GET Group members
The Group Member List endpoint returns members of a group or of a group hierarchy. A valid group UUID is required.
Query parameters
includeSubgroups |
(boolean) Determines whether to include members that belong to child groups of the specified
group UUID. |
enrollmentDate |
(date) A date in ISO 8601 standard format (yyyy-MM-dd). If present, the result is limited to group
members who enrolled on or after that date. Future dates are invalid. |
gender |
Limit the result to group members of the specified gender. |
tagValue |
(string) Limit the result set to group members that have the specified tag. Only single-tag filtering is
supported. |
attribute |
(string) Limit the result set to group members that have the specified attribute value. This parameter
is in the form of a colon-delimited attribute name and value. Only single name/value pair filtering is supported. |
limit |
offset |
sortBy |
See Paging parameters |
sortDirection |
Curl example
curl -X GET \
offset=10&limit=10' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN'
The response is a list of group members, with additional fields that contain paging metadata and links to the previous and next pages, if they exist.
Response body
"totalCount": 202,
"limit": 10,
"offset": 10,
"results": [
"href": "/api/v1/groups/GROUP_UUID/members/USER_UUID",
"group": {
"href": "/api/v1/groups/GROUP_UUID",
"title": "My Group"
"user": {
"birthDate": "2000-01-01",
"email": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"gender": "male",
"locale": "en-US",
"mobileNumber": "+19195551212",
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"uuid": "USER_UUID"
"plan": {
"href": "/api/v1/groups/GROUP_UUID/plans/PLAN_UUID",
"title": "My Plan"
"planSettings": {},
"attributes": {
"string_attribute": "test value",
"boolean_attribute": false
"tags": [
"nextPage": "https://API_HOSTNAME/api/v1/groups/GROUP_UUID/members?includeSubgroups=true&sortBy=LAST_NAME&sortDirection=ASC&offset=20&limit=10",
"previousPage": "https://API_HOSTNAME/api/v1/groups/GROUP_UUID/members?includeSubgroups=true&sortBy=LAST_NAME&sortDirection=ASC&offset=0&limit=10"
Result attributes
href |
(string) A URL fragment that can be used to retrieve details about the specific group member. |
userUuid |
(string) A unique identifier for the group member. |
group |
(link) A reference to the group of the member. |
firstName |
(string) The first name of the group member. |
lastName |
(string) The last name of the group member. |
birthdate |
(string) The birthdate of the group member, expressed in ISO 8601 standard format (yyyy-MM-dd). |
gender |
(string) The gender of the group member. Possible values are male, female, other, preferNotToSay |
timeZone |
(string) The group member’s current time zone, expressed in IANA standard format. Example: America/New_York |
mobileNumber |
(string) The group member’s mobile number. |
(string) The group member’s email address. |
plan |
(link) A reference to the group member’s plan, if one exists. |
attributes |
A JSON subdocument that contains a list of custom group member attribute keys and values. |
tags |
A list of tags assigned to the group member |